Welcome to 'The duPs' - The website of Paul and Margaret du Plessis - Margaret a former Medical Social Worker, Paul a physician.

They served with The Salvation Army in Zambia, the United Kingdom, India, and their homeland of South Africa. They retired to live in Bromley, in southeast London. Margaret passed away in 2019.
Their children, Catherine and Andre, and the wider family have always meant a lot to them. Placing Paul’s poems and other information on a website has been a family request for some years. Grandson, David, took on the project and became the website architect.
Please enjoy reading Paul's poems which reflect something of their life experiences.
Margaret has researched the life of Louisa Mary Tucker, the first wife of pioneer Indian missionary, Frederick Tucker.
Please use the menu on the left and the search function in the top right to navigate through the site.
Here is Paul's most recent poem:
The Old Man Remembers
- Details
- Written March 2025
... he feels nothing,
Pull out his teeth
...we weep with him
Do something horrid
...he forgets it in a sec
Offer him kindness
...he remembers it forever
He loses a child
...the herd grieves with him
Show him what he looks like
...he says what's that
We try and tell him
... he says try again.
March 2025
The African Elelphant
(Loxodonta Cyclotis)
A giggle after trying to paint something that looked ike an elephant.