St Mary Cray 120

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Twelve disciples followed the teacher
Around Galilee
Listening intently together
And to each other
Waiting for instruction
But all they heard was one story after anotherThe_St_Mary_Cray_Salvation_Army_flag.JPG
Told by their Lord
And that awakened them to action.
Twelve tens all gathered together
In an upper room
Listening intently together
And to each other
Waiting for instruction
But all they heard was the howl of the wind.
They were overawed
And that awakened them to action.
Twelve decades of worship celebrated
On Wellington Road
Listening intently together
And to each other
Waiting for instruction
But all they heard was a teenage whisper:
I’m bored
And that awakened them to action.
October 2009
The Salvation Army, St Mary Cray celebrates its 120th Anniversary