- Details
- Written June 2003
Climbing to the lower slopes as an exercise of learning
To sit-downs with the outdoor crowd
Trained and taught
About a way of living blessed with the contentment of sharing
Mourning in loss, peace-making in conflict,
Searching purity , righteousness, mercy and meekness,
Easily accepted in the beauties of the hillside
But soon discarded in the pressures of the plains.
Climbing higher to resist distraction
From the lesser ways and all that's not the best
Urged into prayer
Upward into thoughts lifted heavenward
Where concepts dawn in the mind
Winning over the once rejected
In the philosophy of inclusive love
That an evil schemer simply doesn't understand.
Climbing to the peaks for the wider views,
The panoramic paths to see the world
Glimpsed and longed for,
Awaiting the intended reclamation
Without the domination of imperial might,
Setting aside the possible bribes of compliant aid
Or submission to a foreign power,
But respect in a relationship of trust.
Climbing higher, above the quiet waters that could be Galilee
And the green pastures of the nearby fields,
Renewed, transfigured
From a soul burnt out by frustrations
Yet seeking restored radiance from the creator
Who places energy in a blade of grass
And transforms it by the gentlest chemistry
Into liberating strength once accepted.
Climbing, fully extended to the point of exhaustion,
Reviewing three years' work on a steep incline,
Collapsed and crucified
As though there's nothing left
But the silences of one's own emptiness
Compounding loneliness with the loss already grieved
Through the departure of loving companions
Tauntingly deepening despair.
Climbing to the summit in the completion of a life's ministry
Then leaving the most important, unfinished, to others,
Entrusting them by commission
To go and share the teaching with every group of people,
Baptising them with a name that makes them one,
Ensuring they're taught to experience
That latent freedom of the hillside
To be revealed explosively in a short ten days.
Climbing further into the misty clouds,
To the point of disappearance, yet permanently present
Ascended, gone.
Yet reigning majestically, as though victorious,
Still with us, known, experienced within,
Significantly here to the end of time,
Returning on completion of the transferred task,
The universally recognised master teacher - Lord of life.
1. Matt 5:1; 2. Luke 6:12; 3. Matt 4:8; 4 Mark 9:2; 5. John 19:17; 6. Matt 28:18; 7. Acts 1:7-11
June 2003
Written in Ringgenberg, Switzerland; begun on Ascension Day while walking above the Lake of Brienz, with thoughts of the conquest of Everest 50 years before, and recent conversations about world evangelization; then dedicated to Laura Dutton.