A Song at Ringgenberg

The descent of afternoon blinds

And the click of a modern remote

Bring animated alienation

In focus for an expectant group

Breaking the silence of understanding.


A morning breeze rustles

Maturing summer foliage,

While rain drops aim in unison

For tiny puddles on a metal roof,

Breaking the silence of dawning consciousness.


Memories shared with a friend

Recapture moments of agony

Collected from a painful past

Yet steeped in eternal forgiveness,

Breaking the silence of personal insight.


A three-quarter chime strikes

Discordant with a lonely cow-bell,

As the organ rattles its own rhythm

With a hymn of ancient praise

Breaking the silence in united joy.



19 June 2001


1. refers to the presentation to SAMF on M.leprae/HIV etc alienation

2. refers to the sounds on awaking at Ringgenberg the next morning

3. refers to shared conversation about past experiences

4. refers to the local church and cow bells as the after-supper hymns are sung with Mrs Staubli on the organ, and Rodney and Jacqueline joining in. Part of the joy was simply that Ringgenberg's ministry continues