1974 - Kazengula Crossing Zambezi
1975 - TSA Congress Malala - General Wiseman
1975 (2) - TSA Congress Malala - General Wiseman
1977 - Harvest Festival - maize - Chitumbi Corps
1977 - TSA Congress at Malala - the women
1980 - Major & Mrs Chisapi, Chaanga
1980 - Sunday morning march - nurses & lechwes
1980 - TSA Chaanga Hall, Gwembe Valley
Chaanga road
Chitumbi Quarters
Congress Band
Congress cadets
Congress tree
Farm scene
Flower - Barberton Daisy
Flower - frangi-pangi
Harvest Festival
Lusaka - a special event in the city
Lusaka - commonwealth flags line the route
Lusaka - vehicles available to escort visitors to commenwealth visitors
Map of Africa - For the Blind
Monze Hall
Mulonga's Village Ziliango
Ngangula Hall
Opening New Hall
Reading Bible at Congress
Recruits Class
Salvationist staff
Village Scene
Village Scene - Building
Zambian family - special event & initiation ceremony
Zambian moth
Zambian Salvation Army officers meeting together