With Youth for Christ (YFC)

Remember your creator in the days of your youth. 
(Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Born into a devout Christian family with strong connections to The Salvation Army meant I was soon steeped in the life of the congregation, or corps as it is known. Apart from a few midweek events, Sundays were busy, attending Sunday school twice, morning and evening worship services and perhaps also open-air witness. I was proud to belong. It seemed the best church in the world, I thought. 
An unexpected phone call as a teenager led to me representing the Army on the local organising committee of YFC. Prayer undergirded all the planning: evangelistic crusades, film evenings, visits to other churches and the Easter camp. I anticipated that with enthusiasm, secretly wondering whether I might find a girl-friend who might become my life’s partner there. Dozens of us traveled the few hundred kilometres in the back of a truck. We slept under canvas, food was basic, the bathrooms were primitive. The meetings were held in a large tent - I can remember the smell of fresh hay underfoot even now. 
Sunday afternoon featured the film Through Gates of Splendour, with its theme tune the stirring melody of Finlandia:
We rest on thee, our Shield and our Defender!
Thine is the battle, thine shall be the praise; …
I felt a deepening sense of vocation as I watched. But five American missionaries were killed. Was I willing for that to happen to me? 'Please give me a promise,' I prayed silently. Psalm 91 came to mind. Leaving the tent, I took a short walk to the edge of the campsite,  looking out over the Indian ocean below. There were the words:

    Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty ….
Nearly 70 years later I remain grateful to YFC. They may not have helped me find my life’s partner, but through them I'd found my vocation. They also played a significant role in introducing me to other churches. In spite of some reservations with The Salvation Army I was convinced I should fulfil my vocation there. So I did. But the foundation of my ecumenical commitment was now firmly in place. 
Thank you, Lord, for the influences of youth. 
October 2023