The Artist

Graphite mined into lead pencilSetting_Out_to_Fish___The_banner_at_the_Sarent_and_the_Sea_Exhibition___Royal_Academy_of_Art.JPG
Applied to scrap-book paper
Condensing moments of memory
Transferred onto canvas with bold strokes
As darkness disappears under a southern sun
Lighting her shoulder leaning landward
With toe in the shallow pools of the sands
As the creator breathes it to life
And we share a moment of eternity
En route pour la pêche   [1]
And the image explodes into beauty
Embedded in the retina of generations
While another pencil scratches scrap paper
With words recording the indescribable.
September 2010

After seeing: John Singer Sargent’s, En Route Pour la Pêche (Setting Out to Fish) showing a group of women going down to the beach at Cancale, Brittany, to tend the oyster beds. 

Photographs of the banner for the exhibition: Sargent and the Sea , at the Royal Academy of Arts, London


[1]  Setting Out to Fish